Tag Archives: carpet steam cleaning

Advantages of Professional Steam Cleaning in Melbourne after Christmas

It’s time again for fun and frolics, parties and Christmas Carols. However, these parties do not come without blues. They take a considerable toll on the carpets and rugs, thanks to the spillage of coffee, tea, drinks, and food. All this stuff makes the carpets shabby, affecting the look and feel of your home interiors. … Continue reading Advantages of Professional Steam Cleaning in Melbourne after Christmas

How Effective Is Carpet Steam Cleaning in General?

You might have already heard about the carpet steam cleaning process. However, you may also wonder whether this cleaning procedure is effective and can provide you with the desired results. We will discuss the effectiveness of the steam cleaning procedure here so that you can make the right decisions, especially if you are searching for … Continue reading How Effective Is Carpet Steam Cleaning in General?

Top Indications That Your Carpet Requires Immediate Cleaning

There are various pieces of content that you can find on the internet, written on this very topic. But the signs that are mostly discussed there are common ones. There is nothing remarkable about them. However, here we will bring you a few indications that will instantly help you determine whether you need to get … Continue reading Top Indications That Your Carpet Requires Immediate Cleaning

Importance of Hiring Professionals for Pre-christmas Carpet Cleaning

Christmas and New Year are just a couple of months away. It’s time for guests and parties yet again! So up your socks and get ready for all the fun and games. It’s time to clean the carpets and freshen them up for your guests. While clean, fresh, and lively carpets spruce up the look … Continue reading Importance of Hiring Professionals for Pre-christmas Carpet Cleaning

Some Causes of Carpet Odours and How Cleaners Get Rid of the Same?

Odours from carpets come from various reasons. There are several reasons why the fibres give off a smell, and we will discuss them here. We will also look at how professional cleaners get rid of odours efficiently and make the carpets clean and fresh. If you want to eliminate the terrible smell from your carpet, … Continue reading Some Causes of Carpet Odours and How Cleaners Get Rid of the Same?

The ‘Must-Not-Skip’ Steps of Office Carpet Cleaning Taken By Professionals

Office carpet cleaning is a tedious task. When things come down to cleaning your office carpet, there are two things to keep in mind – always hire a reputed office cleaning company that offers excellent carpet cleaning. They will follow specific steps to ensure that your office carpets are left fresh and spotless. On this … Continue reading The ‘Must-Not-Skip’ Steps of Office Carpet Cleaning Taken By Professionals

Things to Accomplish Before Your Carpet Steam Cleaners Arrive

Now that you have hired carpet steam cleaners, you must do a few things before they arrive. And, by doing so, you can get even better results. This post can give you some ideas to learn more about what you need to do.  Move Your Furniture Before the professional carpet steam cleaners arrive, you will need to … Continue reading Things to Accomplish Before Your Carpet Steam Cleaners Arrive

Is It a Good Idea to Steam Clean Woollen Carpets?

Homeowners love to decorate their hall rooms with woollen carpets as wool improves living spaces and complements any decor. Besides being hard-wearing, wool retains warmth and feels soft. Routine upkeep of furnishing is a must to maintain the aesthetic appeal and woollen carpet is no exception. However, there are some common misconceptions regarding steam cleaning … Continue reading Is It a Good Idea to Steam Clean Woollen Carpets?

How Often Should You Steam Clean Your Carpet for Best Maintenance?

A beautiful carpet warms up the interior decor and emphasises the beauty of a home. However, carpet fabrics are delicate and attract dirt quickly, so routine upkeep and maintenance are necessary to preserve its fabrics’ lustre. Timely carpet maintenance prolongs the shelf-life by maintaining its look and texture. You must know when to steam clean … Continue reading How Often Should You Steam Clean Your Carpet for Best Maintenance?

Top Tips to Clean your Carpets – “Protection against Covid -19”

At this point, it is no more news that the deadly Corona Virus has become a threat to the entire world.  More specifically, the COVID-19 is a form of illness which affects your airways and lungs and is caused by the CORONAVIRUS. With different parts of the globe declaring this virus outbreak as a GLOBAL … Continue reading Top Tips to Clean your Carpets – “Protection against Covid -19”