

If there is a small, wet area rug or carpet in your home, the best thing to do is to get rid of it from the floor and lay it or hang it outside until it’s fully dried. However, if you have a wall-to-wall carpet that is wet or a carpet piece that is just too large for you to remove, you may not have a choice but to dry it where it is.

It is important to keep your carpets clean and dry; otherwise, your flooring can quickly get damaged. Also, damp carpets can lead to health issues.

Are you looking for ways to dry wet carpets in the fastest way ever? Then you can follow our tips to get it done. If you’ve just cleaned your carpets but still have to host an important event in your home, you will want to find out the fastest way to dry them before the arrival of guests.

So, we will today discuss the importance of keeping your carpets dry, and provide you some tips to dry them fast.

What is the Importance of Drying a Wet Carpet?

Your carpet must always be in a dry condition as fast as possible. This is because:

  • Firstly, wet carpets give off strong smell. The musty odor is difficult to bear. It can make the whole room stink. Because it is a strong smell, you probably won’t be able to sleep or live peacefully in that area.
  • Second, wet carpets can cause damage to the padding under it. Or worse, there is no reversing the damage done to it.
  • Padding can never go back to normal after that. Immediately it has become wet, you have to dispose of it, and that will be a very daunting job, trust me.

It gets worse: 

The subfloor under the carpet and padding also get damaged by wet carpets. You won’t want the foundation of your house to get weaker; hence, drying up a rug as early as possible is the best.

Furthermore, carpets that remained wet for an extended period and can be damaged. Drying it after this may not even be worthwhile. Also, long-term dampness can lead to delamination of the carpet, which implies that the layers inside the carpet separate.

This occurs as the glue becomes weaker, and the spaces between these separated levels turn to a home for MOLD, which is one of the biggest problems of a wet carpet.

How Long Will My Wet Carpet Take To Dry?

It can take about 24 hours for your carpets to dry, based on the method you are using for the task. If using airflow from the windows of fans, the dying process will complete many days later. But if the floors are just damp and you make use of a heating system, the time it takes for your carpets to dry may not be much.

For your carpets to completely dry if they get dampen due to washing, expect around 6 to 10 hours.

However, this will also be based on the climate as well as the time of year you choose to clean your carpets. The fibers will dry fast if they are awash in the summer months on a hot, dry day, unlike on a rainy, cool day.

Your rugs will also dry fast based on the materials used to make them. If you have synthetic fiber flooring, it will dry faster since it doesn’t absorb much moisture.

Tips to Perform Carpet Water Extraction

Just done with scrubbing your carpet? Or did you spill water on it right from your pedicure tub? Relax; you can use different methods to quickly dry your carpet. Just follow the steps below and you will get it done in no time:

    1. Remove Furniture

First, remove all furniture or other objects that are on your carpet. You may want to know why you should remove them from your carpet. Well, drying your carpet with a huge item over it can deposit dents on it and damage its fluffiness, and you should avoid that. Also, this will allow air to flow freely around the wet area with nothing to obstruct it and expedite the drying process.    

    1. Turn on the Fans

Next is to do the fastest possible task, which means to turn on your fan. This will not only dry up the wet area but will also help eliminate any damp, musty odor. You may use a desk fan or stand-alone fan in the absence of a ceiling fan. You need some kind of fan for your carpet drying; otherwise, it will take much time to dry, and this may cause your carpet to be at risk of mold and bacteria growth. Position two fans on opposite sides of the room for adequate airflow and run them at maximum speed.

    1. Place Towels

If your carpet has turned so wet, you may not be able to complete the drying process with just ceiling and desk fans. In this situation, use some dry and absorbent towels to cover the damp and allow them to soak all the excess water.

You can apply pressure on it or walk over it to offer assistance with the soaking process. Immediately you feel like your towel has absorbed a lot of moisture, remove them, and allow your fan to handle the remaining work. In addition, make sure you don’t leave your towels lying on the carpet for too long; about 30 minutes will be adequate.

    1. Open Windows

Open any windows in the room immediately after this. If you have more than one window, make sure you open them all, as this will assist with ventilation and dry your carpet even faster. Also, opening windows will allow some fresh air in and dispose of any moldy or musty odors. If the current weather is rainy or very humid, opening windows will not be helpful. But if the weather is dry, hot, or windy, you can proceed with it.

    1. Dehumidifier

Do you reside in a place where humidity is high? It can be so hard to maintain dry carpets when you live in a location where it rains so much and there are high levels of moisture in the atmosphere. The best solution to this problem is to make use of a dehumidifier. A dehumidifier is an appliance that lowers the humidity levels in a home or office setting.

The appliance can improve comfort in your environment and prevent the growth of mildew. If you discover that your carpets are damp after it rains and you can perceive a musty odor, you can get rid of the moisture by turning a dehumidifier on. You can also make use of a dehumidifier after washing your carpet. This machine is capable of drying a 25-sq-meter carpet in 12 hours.

    1. Turn on the AC/Heater

If there is no window in your room, then you can at least turn on air conditioning. Because air conditioning dries the air, you can make use of this to your benefit and help to dry the wet carpet inside the room. In addition, further, drop humidity levels by turning on Dry mode. Or you can make use of a heater in your room to get this done, in case there is a cold and you can’t turn on air conditioning. Heat can greatly assist with the drying process, so it is a brilliant idea to make use of any kind of room heater for this.

    1. Blow-dry

If your carpet was cleaned by professionals, they might offer you a blow-dry. They often use a blower or fan to dry out some parts of the carpet. However, this technique is often quick; it may not be as deep as the other techniques above. However, it is a great way to quickly begin the drying process.

  1. Make use of a Wet/Dry Vacuum

A wet and dry vacuum cleaner is a machine that is capable of cleaning up dirt and moisture spills from any flooring type, like:           

If you have spilled liquid on your carpet or your house was recently flooded by a leaked or burst pipe, you can make use of a dry/wet vacuum cleaner to absorb the entire moisture. It is the ideal appliance to use in the absence of an industrial carpet cleaner.

How to Dry a Carpet after a Flood

If your house has experienced a flood, regardless of the level of the flood, your carpet is possibly soaked. Firstly, it is important to determine whether saving the carpet is worth it or not. If there is a sewage system in your home, the flood would’ve made it overflow. With the number of contaminants found in a sewage system, your carpet could get infected.

This will need a thorough cleaning that might be on the expensive side than replacing the carpet. If your sewage system is not affected by the flood and your carpet can still be salvaged, we can assist you.

Below are a few functional steps to quickly dry your carpet after a flood:

  • Make use of a Shop Vac

Shop Vacs are often used on construction sites and woodwork shops. Their suction is strong and can remove more size of objects, unlike regular vacuums. You can rent one from your nearest hardware shop if you don’t have any at home. Some of these vacuums also absorb water; these are often called wet and dry vacuums. Their motor is strong and their special filter can handle water.

You can make use of any shop vacuum, but ensure the filter is safe from water or made from a sponge. Paper filters will weaken and possibly damage when exposed to water.

These vacs often feature different attachments to match the size and area you are cleaning. We recommend that you begin with the biggest attachment.  Then work your way down to the smallest to find out the most efficient. During drying, push the attachment into the rug or carpet. This will give a good suction on the padding which holds most of the water.

  • Towel Dry

After performing water extraction with the use of the shop vac, place some dry towels on the carpet. The towels will absorb some residual water from the carpet surface. Extra water will be squeezed out of the towel when you walk or jump on it. Try the process again until the towels remain dry, even when you jump on them.

  • Air and Heat

Just like the post-cleaning process, you can dry the carpet with your fan or box heater. Warm air contains more moisture than cold and is more efficient to dry out water from the carpet. Make use of a dehumidifier to maintain a dry room. Position it so that the air blown by the fan over the carpet is dry.

  • Caution: If you decide to make use of a box heater, you must be careful not to start a fire. Be sure to always check it out to ensure it is not overheating the carpet, and position it at a specific distance away.
  • Expose the Padding

Expose the padding of a larger caret to allow it dry. After extracting the water from it, peel the back of the carpet. Begin in a corner where you can easily pull back. Only grab the fibers on the carpet, and you can even make use of pliers to have a good grip. Be careful here and avoid yanking so as not to accidentally pull the fibers out.

When you are pulling the fibers back, you will hear some crackling or tearing sound. However, don’t be scared, it is the carpet holder known as the tack strip, and this is not damaging your carpet.

  • Use Shop Vac and Towels to Dry the Pad

Immediately the pad is exposed, you can now start drying. You can make use of the shop vac here and absorb as much as possible water. Don’t forget to expose the entirely affected pad to get a deep dry. After you’ve removed most of the water, use dry towels to cover the area to further remove the remaining water.

  • Use Airflow and Heat

As mentioned in the first steps, make use of a heater, fan, and dehumidifier to dry the padding. Position the dehumidifier and fan in the same place so that the dry air will concentrate on the pad. If you are using a ceiling fan, set it to the maximum speed to get a good air flow in.

  • Patience is Important

You might be surprised to see the amount of water that can be held by a carpet and pad. Allow the fans to work together with the heater and dehumidifier for some time. Once the weather outside is good, open the windows and allow the fresh air to assist the process. You might start to feel like the carpet and pad are dry. However, don’t be tempted to turn off the dryers. A large carpet and pad will require a minimum of three days to completely dry. 

Get Help

If the carpet and pad are still wet after 48 hours (2 days), the best thing to do is to contact a professional for assistance. The carpet will start to smell bad, which could be a sign of mold and bacteria growth.

If you need professional carpet steam cleaning in Melbourne, contact us today.