
4 Top Tips to Remove Tough Stains from your Pricey Carpet

When it comes to cleaning the more expensive carpets you need to be extra cautious. More importantly now, amid the pandemic triggered by the COVID 19 virus, when the life is far from normal and we are compelled to stay locked up indoor, there might be situations, when you might have to do all the carpet cleaning yourself, in case your carpet cleaning professional is unable to visit you.

More so, when you have to do all your carpet cleaning for the pricey carpets yourself, you need to follow the tips, which will come in handy to clean your expensive carpets. Here on this page, we discuss 4 such tips.

Using Vinegar Solution 


White vinegar is one of the best and the most effective eco-friendly options for carpet cleaning and carpet deodorizing. Indeed, a number of households are using white vinegar for carpet cleaning in Melbourne and its suburbs, these days, due to the lockdown. Take half a cup of white vinegar and dilute it in a cup full of water. Pour the solution in a spray bottle, and then sprinkle the solution directly on the stain and leave it like that. Let the vinegar act on the stain for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Once done, use a blotting paper or a towel to soak the solution and then use a vacuum cleaner to blow air and get rid of the moisture. You can also put the carpet under direct sunlight as it will not only dry it up but eliminate the strong odour of vinegar.

However, it will be a good idea to test the solution before you apply it to the stain. Apply the solution on a concealed corner of the carpet to see if it decolorizes your carpet. Generally, white vinegar acts as a wonderful cleaning agent for every kind of carpet, but this check will make you sure that your carpet will be as good as new once you apply the solution.

Using Detergent-Based Cleaning Solution 


Using branded dishwashing liquids is a wonderful option to get rid of stubborn stains from the expensive carpets. Even professional Melbourne carpet cleaners use this solution to come up with flawless cleaning.

If you try the same at home, you need to opt for a clear liquid detergent as the coloured varieties can very well stain the carpet. Dilute the detergent with warm water, pour it into a spray bottle and spray the solution on the stain. Maintain a ratio of a half teaspoon of the detergent and one cup full of water.

You can also tip a towel in the solution and rub the stain gently till it is gone. Now blot the area with the help of a paper towel and then allow the area to dry up. You can also use a vacuum cleaner to remove any residue from the inner part of the surface. As an alternative process, you can take the carpet out and leave it under direct sunlight to dry it up entirely.

However, we would not recommend taking this step if your carpet is of dark and bright colour, as direct sunlight might act upon it, causing the colour to fade out. Also, if it is cloudy and or if it is raining, this step does not apply. Hence, vacuuming seems to be a more realistic and acceptable step to dry the carpet up.

Using Baking Soda as a Spot carpet Stain Removal Agent


You can also use a combination of baking soda and white vinegar to get rid of that bad mushy smell and stains from the carpets.

Combine equal proportions of baking soda and white vinegar in such a way that two combine to form a thick paste. Now dilute the paste by adding more water, till you get the right appearance of the liquid. The liquid needs to be thin as well as running. Take a toothbrush or a piece of sponge and add some of the cleaning liquid, and then rub the stained area till the stain is gone. Now allow the area to dry out and then vacuum clean to remove the remnants.

Using Corn Flour and Baking Powder



This is another extremely effective carpet dry cleaning option that carpet cleaning experts in Melbourne carry out, to carpet stain removal. This method does not need any water and hence the carpet does not get wet.

This process typically involves a combination of baking powder and cornstarch or cornflour. While the corn starch is excellent when it comes to the extraction of greasy stains, the baking powder excels in removing the unpleasant mushy odour from the carpets. Since it is likely that you have both these ingredients ready at your home, it is best to start the cleaning immediately after the stain has occurred.

Sprinkle the mixture over the stained spot and then leave it like that for some time. The greasiness of the carpet fibres resulting from the stain will be absorbed by the starch during the time you give it.

Once done, you need to use a high power vacuum cleaner to absorb the powder and take a hard look at the spot to see if there are still traces of stain left. If yes, you need to repeat the process till the stain is gone entirely.

Hence you see, there are so many ways of cleaning your carpets. None of these cleaning procedures is difficult. Rather, they are extremely easy and handy. The only thing is that you need to be methodical in the approach.

Besides, the fact that all these cleaning agents are readily available makes these procedures all the more popular. Besides, these carpet cleaning agents are eco-friendly and hence, will not cause any harm to the material the carpets are made up of, regardless of the type. Also, they will be safe for the health of your family.

For any further help, call us at Best Carpet Cleaning Melbourne on 0390005250. We will be more than glad to assist you over the phone and provide you with a free quote.