Advantages of Professional Steam Cleaning in Melbourne after Christmas

It’s time again for fun and frolics, parties and Christmas Carols. However, these parties do not come without blues. They take a considerable toll on the carpets and rugs, thanks to the spillage of coffee, tea, drinks, and food. All this stuff makes the carpets shabby, affecting the look and feel of your home interiors. … Continue reading Advantages of Professional Steam Cleaning in Melbourne after Christmas

How Do Pro Cleaners Remove Odours From Pet Urine Stains on Carpets?

The odour from pet stains on the home carpet is common. Almost all homeowners in Melbourne and its suburbs who have pets and carpets experience this situation. However, when the odour intensifies, enduring the smell becomes a challenge. Call pro cleaners to remove the unpleasant odour. The cleaners use specific techniques to remove not only … Continue reading How Do Pro Cleaners Remove Odours From Pet Urine Stains on Carpets?

Things to Remember Regarding Post-christmas Party Carpet Cleaning

With Christmas knocking at the door, it is exciting to see how much happiness, gifts, parties, and fun Christmas brings. Of course, there is no harm in that, but you must keep an eye on the mess Christmas parties leave in your home, particularly your carpets. Parties generally take a toll on carpets. Tea, coffee, … Continue reading Things to Remember Regarding Post-christmas Party Carpet Cleaning