Which Melbourne Carpet Steam Cleaners Are the Best?

When it comes to the best carpet cleaning in Melbourne, various methods and equipment are available, each with its own set of benefits. One such popular and effective approach is steam carpet cleaning. Now, when it comes to this method, there are two ways to do it—one is truck-mounted carpet steam cleaning, and the other is portable carpet steam cleaners. Both of these use the hot water extraction method to deliver superior carpet cleaning any time of the year!

Most of our customers now ask which carpet steam cleaning offers the best result. In short, it depends on a couple of factors, like the size of the job, the nature of cleaning, whether the property is residential or commercial, etc. This blog will outline the key factors that you must consider while hiring our Melbourne carpet cleaners.

Truck-Mounted Carpet Steam Cleaning 

Truck-mounted carpet cleaning methods use powerful equipment mounted on trucks or vans. These vehicles have their own fuel supply and thus don’t require connection to the property’s electrical outlets. It also causes less noise inside the property and definitely comes in handy for commercial spaces like offices, banks, and hotels.

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However, the outside machine does make quite a noise and emits some heat fumes. So, unless there’s a proper driveway parking, it can be a bit of a hassle. On the flip side, if you do have the needed space at home, this best carpet cleaning in Melbourne should be your preferred choice if you have small children and pets loitering your carpets regularly. This type of carpet steam cleaning uses high heat and powerful vacuum suction that delivers phenomenal results.

Portable Carpet Steam Cleaning 

Portable carpet steam cleaning, on the other hand, relies on compact units that can easily be transported to indoor spaces and maneuvered between cramped spaces. Thus, this type of cleaner is popular among homeowners and in commercial spaces like hospitals. But do not mistake them for being anywhere less powerful.

They are professionally graded machines that cannot be bought from local supermarkets or hardware stores. Only the best Melbourne carpet steam cleaners use this type of cleaning appliance for various reasons. First of all, portable cleaners are powerful enough to ensure deep cleaning of carpets – be it pet stains, wine spills, or general cleaning. Most importantly, if you own delicate carpets or rugs, the fine fibers might get damaged slightly if you have opted for truck-mounted carpet steam lining.

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But not with portable carpet steam cleaners! They offer excellent cleaning results, produce less noise, and are thus ideal for homes, offices, and industrial facilities. However, the noise emitted is a bit louder than its counterpart. So, keep that in mind!

Best Carpet Cleaning Melbourne Provides Both—Call Us Today

Reach out to us for the best steam cleaning results! Set up an appointment with our expert Melbourne carpet steam cleaners for any type of domestic or commercial steam cleaning project. Get in touch at info@bestcarpetcleaningmelbourne.com and receive a FREE Online Quote!